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Chakras, our life force!

We have chakra stones in our Aura Collection for lots of reasons! Our seven major chakras help balance our body, mind, and spirit.

Taylor, one of our owner and operators, is currently training to be a certified yoga instructor and holistic healer. She has found that through meditation, yoga, and using her stones with both has helped her balance her life force energy, Pranayama.

It is believed that these stones or crystals have healing properties.

The seven chakras and common crystals or stones that compliment them are:

  1. Root Chakra- Opalite, Tiger's Eye, Red Jasper, Hematite (black)

  2. Sacral Chakra- Tiger's Eye, Carnelian (bright orange)

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra- Tiger's Eye (Orange, black, brown, amber), Citrine (clear orange and amber)

  4. Heart Chakra- Rose Quartz, Jade

  5. Throat Chakra- Sodalite (Blue), Turquoise

  6. Third Eye Chakra- Obsidian (Black), Amethyst (Purple), Sodalite, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite (pink and purple)

  7. Crown-Opalite (iridescent white), Clear Quartz, Amethyst (Purple)

  • Chakras are not a religion, nor do they conflict with any religion you practice.

  • They are energetic hubs in our bodies, and when our emotions cause physical ailments, we can focus on balancing our chakras for holistic healing.

  • Balanced chakras awaken spiritual awareness and enhance the higher self.

Lulu Lily and Co. has favorites!

Taylor's favorite stones are obsidian, rose quartz, opalite, tiger's eye, and sodalite.

Lulu's favorites are amethyst, obsidian, and red jasper.

Christy's favorites are turquoise, obsidian, jade, red jasper, clear quartz, and hematite.

We won't go into too much detail here, but we've included a blog we follow that offers great information for beginners! Check it out by clicking the button below.

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